最近媽媽生日快到了,偷偷打聽後知道媽媽最近想買 爆買[美國直購] Andis 29115 理髮修容器 Promotor and Clipper and Trimmer Combo Kit, Silver
理所當然的折價卷[美國直購] Andis 29115 理髮修容器 Promotor and Clipper and Trimmer Combo Kit, Silver就是最好的生日禮物啦
而且網路上[美國直購] Andis 29115 理髮修容器 Promotor and Clipper and Trimmer Combo Kit, Silver就有的買,相當方便
上網查了一下[美國直購] Andis 29115 理髮修容器 Promotor and Clipper and Trimmer Combo Kit, Silver價格發現相當便宜,當然就直接下訂啦
嘿嘿~今年一定要給媽媽驚喜,居然可以送他最想要的[美國直購] Andis 29115 理髮修容器 Promotor and Clipper and Trimmer Combo Kit, Silver當生日禮物~~

推薦About the Product
27-piece complete home haircutting kit, anchored by a powerful clipper and trimmer
Clipper is 4 times more powerful than a comparable magnetic motor unit
T-Blade trimmer is perfect for detailing and trimming necklines, beards, and sideburns
Oil blade before every use
Contoured housings人氣 allow for comfortable, controlled clipping and trimming. 5-year warranty
Product Description
The Andis Promotor+ Combo 23-Piece Haircutting Kit is perfect for all clipping and trimming needs. 4-times more powerful than magnetic motor tools, this combo cuts and styles wet or dry hair. Additionally, the adjustable blade clipper is ideal for crew cuts and maintaining shorter hair styles, while the T-Blade trimmer is perfect for detailing and trimming necklines, beards, and sideburns. This combo features contoured housings which allow for comfortable, controlled clipping and trimming, as well as a 5-year warranty. Ensure the longevity of your blade's life by oiling it before every use.
Product Details
Product Warranty: For warranty information about this product, please click here [PDF]
Product Dimensions: 6.8 x 2 x 1.5 inches ; 2.8 pounds
Shipping Weight: 2.8 pounds
UPC: 074590513769 132018310823 191120100241 885100933324 112040011158 803982721853 362009921800 172304324325 763615736275 151902933030 040102291159 794628277820 001910609802
Item model number: 29115


[美國直購] Andis 29115 理髮修容器 Promotor and Clipper and Trimmer Combo Kit, Silver 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
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